We offer group and personal training as well as a 24 hour gym.

Try any of our services for free from a free Personal Consultation to a Class Taste. Just message us to get booked in.

With our Group Personal Training you get all the benefits of a personalised approach to fitness, but with the motivation and fun of training with our other welcoming and supportive members. Group sessions run multiple times a day and are limited to a maximum of 8 people. You can build strength, lose fat and get fit while having fun doing it.

You will never feel out of your depth or lost about what to do, every movement is scaled to your ability. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, our coach will make sure every exercise is tailored to you. Not ready to join the group session? Then 1-2-1 Personal Training can help you reach your personal goals faster and build confidence in the gym. Know what you're doing and don't want to join a group? Our open gym is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whenever there is not a group session running, for you to use our fully equipped fitness facility. This is also included in the Group Session Membership.

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