A festival to celebrate the diverse communities in our area will be held in Crediton Town Square on Saturday 31 July from 10am to 2pm. To include live entertainment, talks, information and advice stalls, this free family friendly event aims to showcase our town as a welcoming place for all, as festival organiser Alan Quick explains.
Each individual is unique regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs or other difference. By valuing diversity we recognize the differences between people and acknowledge that these differences are a valued asset. Crediton is a welcoming place for all and there is no place here for racism or hate of any kind.

Reports of racist incidents and hate crimes in Crediton were the inspiration behind the first Crediton Diversity Festival, which I organised in November 2018. The second event, held in June 2019, took place after graffiti, including a swastika and anti-Semitic wording, were found on a property off Dean Street.
There was a real buzz at our previous festivals. The dancers were spectacular and the musicians proved to be really popular as people chatted and networked. They were vibrant, informative, and exciting events and this year’s festival promises to be the same. The 2019 festival funded some diversity educational work at Crediton’s Haywards Primary School and the year before it did the same at Landscore Primary School.

This year The Turning Tides Project, which does so many good things around the town, will be providing musical entertainment alongside a number of other acts and performers.

CISCO (Crediton International Social and Cultural Organisation) will be playing an active role at the event, alongside many other organisations and groups, including Crediton Arts Centre.
The Festival will be officially opened by Devon County Councillor, Cllr Frank Letch and the Deputy Mayor of Crediton, Cllr Joyce Harris.
Stall applications and further details are available from Alan: Call or email.
The Festival is being supported by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Crediton Town Council and Devon County Council, as well as Crediton Morrisons and Crediton Tesco.
Alan Quick is editor of the Crediton Courier and an award-winning diversity and inclusion campaigner.